What is Community?

It’s International Coffee Day and it’s Thursday so here’s Art Breath’s Coffee Talk #throwbackthursday

#CoffeeTalk on what is community?
What does the word community mean to you or evoke in you?
Is it about our roots? Where we are born? Where are families are from? Our beliefs? Traditions? Our political beliefs? Likes & dislikes? About the friends we meet? People who have similar interests? Friends through the wires? A community through social media? Is it our geographical location? A community who likes the same music, fashion, art? Is modernity (the Baumau liquid modernity) a constant community for each #newgeneration ? Is it about a tribe we create versus a “tribe” we come from? The word community apparently comes from the Latin word communis: shared in common. Why does a community have to mean about having the same customs, norms, likes & so on...why can it not engulf a larger circle? & encompass people we may not have the same likes & so on.. and yet find something in common to get on? Which is where the #arts (whether art, music or food...) can bring people together .Do we have to come only from one  community? Can the term mean about having empathy towards one another? And a community of perspectives? With globalisation and issues like climate change can we belong to the community of the world? Putting humanity first? Like medecin sans frontiere or humanrights for all. In the article Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft by Ferdinand Tönnies, translated as community and society, the sociologist looked at two notions, on one side feelings of togetherness and on the other needing to be together (for a particular purpose). So social groupings come for the reason of the heart or the reason of the head. But perhaps both...
With technology at the tip of our hands, & engulfing our world & lives, we are all building new communities everyday, through here even.
There’s also illusion of building something, with games such as Mindcraf or others. With AI affecting our future what will the word community mean to us? Will it necessarily change? 
What do you all think?

repost 5 December 2019 @noursalehs